Remote relationships are much more frequent nowadays. They have been promoted in particular by the Internet and social networks. It’s hard to remember what life was like before social networks. Today’s internet, the rise of social networks and news have made possible many things we never imagined possible before. Remote relationships continue to be established …
How to use the sextoy as a couple?
You want to break the routine by bringing new practices into your sex life, you can do this by offering your partner to bring a sextoy into your bed. Here’s how to do a threesome with a sextoy.
8 reasons why the sextoy won’t replace the man
Do you get the feeling that your man is worried as soon as his eyes meet one of your sextoys? You’ve never been able to reveal to him that you have a sextoy collection hidden somewhere in your house for fear of reaching his manhood? And for men, you can’t stand the sight of those …
Choosing the right sextoy for your wife?
You’ve talked it over with your partner and now you want to change the routine in your sex life by buying a sextoy. If you don’t know which one to choose, in the rest of this article we’ll give you some tips on how to choose the one that’s right for you.
6 tips to choose your sextoy
You want to try new things with your partner, diversify the pleasures and spice up your sex life, sextoys are surely one of the ways to achieve this. It is for you the opportunity to try a sextoy if you have never used one. Unfortunately, there is a wide range of sextoys available and it …